07 Feb
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For every purchase of PW Audio Epoch, you can add $700 to enjoy the "Peter Warranty", which includes [Protection • Preservation • Assurance]
- Protection: Adding "Peter Warranty" extends the warranty period to three years immediately.
- Value: After the first year of the warranty, you can trade in for other PW Audio cables at any time, with a trade-in value equivalent to $1999 (the Epoch's retail price).
- Assurance: Following a trade-in, the remaining warranty period of your Epoch under PeterShield will be transferred to the warranty period of the new cable. For example, if your Epoch has 1.5 years of warranty remaining, the new cable will also have 1.5 years of warranty. If the Epoch has only half a month of warranty left, the new cable will come with a one-year warranty.
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