Flow has a mild w-shaped IEM with a slight extra emphasis on the lows. The bass quantity is on the calm side, being about 25% elevated from flat. It’s similar to slightly v-shaped IEMs, which may not be sufficient for bassheads. However, the unusual thing is that the bass is very dynamic and thick.
Flow provides excellent clarity in bass texture by controlling the reverbs and sub-bass quantity. The texture grains are well presented which gives agility to the bass. Speaking of agility, Flow has a strong bass control. The reverbs are mildly done to have clean bass grooves. Although Flow keeps the bass quantity calm, the bass doesn’t feel lacking due to having a full-bodied thickness. Overall, the bass is even, deep, and thick. Flow has a nice bass extension, fetching the ultra-low growls loud and clear.
Mids take a step forward from the lows and have a bright, airy tone. The vocals sound breezy, transparent, and pure. Flow has a monitoring style tuning that desires a neutral timbre and high resolution. The vocal thickness is also neutral, feeling neither thin nor thick. Vocals feel a bit dry but not harsh, which is common for IEMs with this tuning. I can feel some dryness in the vocals, yet it’s a type of dryness that reveals the grains and crisps from the texture. Vocals feel even and flat throughout the range, not showing spikes or sibilance.Similarly to the vocals, highs also show an analytical, monitoring-like characteristic. Highs are a step back from the vocals and mildly reduced in quantity. However, Flow makes sure to keep the treble notes clear and clean. Highs have a bright and crisp tone but they do not get harsh or heated. The soundstage is quite expansive. The low range that stretches deep along with the open-ended trebles are the ones that help the headroom size. While not large, Flow creates a studio-sized headroom.
The last thing to mention has to do more with the music source than the IEMs. Flow’s monitoring sound tuning means that these IEMs will demand a good quality music source. If your music source is poorly recorded, has ongoing white noise, or is low in resolution, Flow won’t hide these for you. This is something worth keeping in mind if you often listen to low-quality, retro music.
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