The sound quality of Beam 4 is excellent with ample amount of information and a strong density. It has a solid feel similar to that of a mid to low-end player. Compared to other similar products, one standout feature of Beam 4 is its dynamic performance. While it's not difficult for products of this form to have strong resolution, it's hard to achieve powerful and impressive sound without a good power supply design. Beam 4's sound has a rare sense of energy compared to other similar products, allowing it to effectively portray tension in many impactful songs, making the sound more grand and vibrant, which is partly due to its built-in battery design. In terms of resolution, Beam 4 interprets the details of the sound comprehensively but slightly directly, presenting the content of the music in a simple and non-excessive way, emphasizing sound reproduction. When playing high-quality audio sources, it is full of information. Secondly, Beam 4 has strong spatial shaping capabilities. The horizontal sound field is wide without noticeable edges, and the vertical depth and sound layering are also excellent, resulting in a strong overall sense of three-dimensionality. Additionally, it has high transparency, making it suitable for fans of live music. Beam 4 has relatively balanced three frequencies, with slightly more volume in the low frequency and appropriate volume in the high frequency. The sound has a suitable range of transparency and atmosphere. The mid-range has a certain thickness and prominent lines, allowing it to fully interpret the tonal texture of most instruments in instrumental music and highlight the vocal characteristics of singers in vocal music, making the vocals more recognizable. Overall, it is inclusive of various types of music, although the sound smoothness is slightly lacking and long-term listening may feel slightly aggressive.

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