Acoustune HS1697 Ti+ and HanSound UNAS Green version with rhodium-plated plug: The differences between "Beam 4" and "Beam 3 Plus" are immediately noticeable upon listening. When connected via 4.4mm, "Beam 4" presents a wider and more expansive vertical soundstage, allowing for a detailed portrayal of dynamics and transitions compared to the closer and slightly more direct sound of "Beam 3 Plus". Additionally, "Beam 4" introduces a slight delay in sound flow, enhancing imaging. Vocally, there is a richer breathiness that allows for a deeper emotional interpretation by artists, bringing out more layers and nuances in the music (e.g., in the song "Don't Worry" by Jess Lee Kar Wei). Singers and those who value exploring the intricacies of every word and phrase sung by artists will appreciate this aspect. However, "Beam 3 Plus" exhibits more pronounced brightness in sound, especially evident in the pure and bright tone of piano keys. This may be considered an advantage, although it may lack forward vocals and structural details at times, creating a sense of suffocation in some songs. Additionally, the lower frequencies may lack natural transparency and diffusion, but the cool and crisp feeling in the high frequencies complements classical music well. Therefore, the tuning may not necessarily indicate superiority or inferiority, but rather a difference in preference and style. "Beam 4" is more suitable for those seeking a spacious soundstage, distinct imaging, dynamic range, and movement in sound, especially for atmospheric music (e.g., "Glory -into the RM-" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk], and "Human Legacy" by Ivan Torrent). Apart from expanding the soundstage, the sound gradually ascends to a deeper and more sustained resonance, with clearer direction in the movement of sound that avoids overpowering by larger sounds. This allows listeners to experience more intricate vertical arrangements, for example, harmonies that were initially placed near the ears shift slightly outward, creating layers of sound. The dynamic range in the lower frequencies provides ample energy without being overwhelming, and recedes softly to the sides, providing a refreshing listening experience without feeling overwhelmed. For instrumental music like "Mizuhyakkei" by Ikuko Kawai, "Beam 4" is highly recommended as it excels in imaging instruments, especially in the rich rhythmic points at the bottom, offering transparency and agility that can only be achieved with "Beam 4", complementing the sounds of violins.
BD Earphone XIII Blazing UIEM: This model focuses on mid-low frequency headphones with an impedance of 32 ohms. Using a mid-gain setting will provide a better push (e.g., Linkin Park-Victimized). The vocals are stable, not dry, and not overshadowed by other instrumentals, maintaining their unbeatable position. The low frequencies are strong and powerful, divided into a central and outer layer, with good control. The impact is strong when struck, but the sound quickly fades, leading to a clean and energetic sound with drums, cymbals, and guitars each resonating clearly. However, the "Beam 3 Plus" has a more compressed soundstage, resulting in a crowded and forward-listening pressure during intense moments. In comparison, the support of the "Beam 4" is better. The low frequencies of the "Beam 3 Plus" are slightly loose, leading to overlapping drum sounds in songs with heavy bass, which may not pair well with the BD Earphone XIII Blazing. It is recommended to pair it with instrumental music for better imaging. The "Beam 4" provides a more focused sound at the end, correcting the soft structure. However, if you desire a more powerful and dynamic sound with the texture of drum skin vibrations, it may be quicker to switch headphones. The "Beam 4" cannot drastically change the original sound of the headphones, but its strengths lie in improving the structure, layering, extending nuances, and increasing dynamics.
Acoustune HS1697 Ti + CROSSLAMBDA IGNITE pro: Instead of solely swapping out the IEM, it's worthwhile to experiment with different cables, as each cable direction and adjustments can yield varying results. When using the original cable with the 1697 Ti, the low frequency performance significantly diminishes if the front end lacks power, prompting the author to opt for a cable change. With the CROSSLAMBDA IGNITE pro, connected to the darker background of "Beam 4", exceptional imaging effectively showcases the potency and beauty of the drums, enhancing sound clarity and swiftly dissipating the tail force instead of rushing forward, evoking a sense of shock and leaving a lingering resonance in the distance, interpreting speed and passion. Furthermore, the flute sound is clear, upfront, and exudes delicate breath, providing a deeper interpretation of the entire piece. In South Korean pop music (IVE-LOVE DIVE), the low frequency now showcases a deeper, stronger dive while the mid frequencies are becoming richer and more dynamic. Additionally, some previously fleeting music accompaniments now have a more defined and concrete direction, adding a different level of sophistication.

In South Korean pop music (IVE-LOVE DIVE), the low frequency now presents a deeper, stronger dive, while the mid frequencies become richer and more dynamic. Moreover, previously fleeting music accompaniments now possess a more defined and concrete direction, adding a distinct level of sophistication.
In summary, each product has its own advantages and characteristics, and there's an audience for every pairing. This is the enjoyable aspect of audio equipment. Even as products continue to evolve, it doesn't necessarily mean that the improvements made by new models align with your preferences; you still need to pair them with your own headphones. Although "Beam 4" may reduce the brightness of the sound, it offers a broad soundstage, particularly with vertical arrangement. In addition to its detailed separation and significantly improved imaging, musical instruments are dynamically portrayed, with long and delicate vocal lines and clearer directionality. The melodic sensation when ascending is captivating and truly exceptional.

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