Despite all the flowery adjectives I used above to describe the Orpheus ‘sound’, cables don’t actually have their own ‘sound’, per se, but rather imbue a certain tonal shift (or lack thereof) on the sound of the ‘chain’ (files – source – IEM). By comparing the effect of different cables on the chain, we get to distil the character or tendencies of different cables, and break them down into tonal and technical characteristics.
Orpheus has a very analogue feel to its character. By that I mean it imbues a certain richness, smoothness and warmth to the overall sound of an IEM. To me, this type of sound usually starts and ends with the bass, and Orpheus is no exception. It creates a space for the bass to occupy that stretches farther than I’ve heard with other cables, then gives the midbass frequencies a slight lift for added weight and reverb.
If you’re a dynamic driver aficionado like me, you’ll appreciate how Orpheus complements the tonal character of the very best dynamic driver bass: slightly slower decay, letting the notes linger while adding weight to the sound with an endlessly deep rumble that seems to tail forever into the distant stage. This is masterful bass, where kick drums kick hard, but are also accurately placed on the stage so they don’t feel artificial.
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